Women Panic attack is a situation of overwhelming and overexcitement.
For women it is more challenging and happening. Panic attack involves fear that
Happens suddenly. Panic attack happens suddenly for women’s it is more dangerous due to hormonal imbalance. Women feel them differently due to their social pressure and duties in life.
Understanding panic attacks:
Panic attack occurs within minutes due to anxiety, fear and any pressure of society. panic attack is diagnosed by diagnostic and statistical manual of disorder. This includes both physical and physiological symptoms.

physical and physiological symptoms:
Physical symptoms:
Physical sensations that may be alarming are given below;
rapid heartbeat: a racing heart is coming symptom of panic attack. This can be distressing.
shortness of breath: sometimes people feel like they are unable to breathe during a panic attack which can cause fear and in result of fear panic attack may occurs.
Chest pain: this can cause a heart attack which leads to panic attack due to anxiety.
Dizziness: feeling dizziness can also cause panic attack.
shaking: body can shake badly during a panic attack.
sweating: sweating of body even in the absence of excessive heat or any physical work can lead to panic attack.
upset stomach: stomach pain or digestive system may disturb due to panic attack.
Physiological symptoms:
In addition to physical symptoms, Physiological symptoms may also occur.
fear: fear may occur during panic attack.
fear of dying: many people feel intense sensations of physical symptoms that leads to death’
intense anxiety: overwhelming can cause anxiety which leads to panic attack.
Unique facts of panic attack in women’s:
Women may feel hormonal distress in body due ton pregnancy, menstruation, and childbirth. These hormonal changes can cause several panic attacks for example some women’s notice an increase in panic attacks during pregnancy and childbirth. Women may also feel panic attack during postmortem periods. Women may also feel social and cultural pressures. gender roles may also cause panic attacks.
For instance: women may feel pressure to handle different roles and responsibilities which leads to anxiety. Women are more likely to experience trauma then men.
Sexual abuse may cause trauma which leads to panic attack in women. depression can also cause panic attack in women .
Treatment options:
Cognitive behavioral therapy is widely recognized and very effective technique for treating panic attacks and panic disorder. this help in coping strategies to manage panic attacks and anxiety.
Relaxation techniques:
Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, can help women to manage panic attack symptoms.