Anxiety Disorders: Diagnosis and treatment Anxiety Disorders: diagnosis and treatment is among the most common mental health conditions worldwide. They manifest through persistent and excessive worry that interferes with daily functioning. Diagnosis of anxiety disorder: Diagnosis anxiety disorder involves a comprehensive assessment by a healthcare, professional, often a psychologist. process…
What is the best medicine for panic attacks? The best medicine for panic attacks depends on the individuals’ specific needs and circumstances. However, here are some commonly prescribed medications and therapies: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors: Benzodiazepines: Other medications: Therapies: Important considerations: Remember everyone’s experience with panic attacks…
5 5 5 rules for panic attack is a cognitive grounding technique that can help individuals manage panic attacks by focusing on their five senses. Here the detailed explanation of the 5 5 5 rules for panic attack and how to apply it: what is the 5-5-5 rule? The rule…
Phobia and panic disorder are two distinct yet interconnected involves intense fear and anxiety. we try to difference between them by using their definitions, symptoms, causes and treatments. Define phobia: phobias are intense fear of activities, special objects or situations. They are considered as anxiety disorder which leads to…