• Anxiety

    Causes of Anxiety Disorders:

    Causes of Anxiety Disorders: Causes: the Causes of the Anxiety Disorders problem’s anxiety are not fully understood. Educational events, like terrifying incidents, seem to trigger anxiety problems in people who are currently prone to anxiety. Hereditary traits may also be a factor. Chemical imbalance: Several synapses and chemicals are involved…

  • Uncategorized

     Phobia and panic disorder difference:

    Phobia and panic disorder are two distinct yet interconnected phenomenon.it involves intense fear and anxiety. we try to difference between them by using their definitions, symptoms, causes and treatments. Define phobia:  phobias are intense fear of activities, special objects or situations. They are considered as anxiety disorder which leads to…

  • Uncategorized

           Causes of panic attack:

    Sudden episode of intense fear or anxiety and physical symptoms, based on a perceived threat rather than imminent danger. Panic attack can be caused by the combination of physical, emotional and psychological. Here is the detail of causes that are cause of panic attack: Causes of panic attack: While these…